Strong Opinions on AI Art

In this ten minutes of fame right now, a photographer has declined a prestigious award because the picture was made using AI.

Please don't ask me which photographer? which picture?, which award? which AI? because I don't know.

I read the headline and it more than quelled my interest.

Then I saw another headline about it.

And another.

Lots of them in fact, that's just the nature of my internet news stream. Most of the headlines I see, no matter how many times repeated, aren't worth my paying attention to.

I am not saying they aren't worth your paying attention to. The story I didn't read might seriously change your views and I mean that in all seriousness. Not for me doesn't mean not for you.

What  struck me about the story of the photographer, the picture, and the award was how much more traction it had than news about traditional methods of making art.

Statistically, news stories about new paintings are Spockishly "vanishingly improbable" to which I would assign a causality of "because statistically no one  cares."